Thursday 28 February 2019

Ocean paintings

Tuesday 19 February 2019

Film and video production

Green screen

Parallax effect - Aftereffects with background

Installation of Wordpress

Mamp server (For Mac)
Wamp server (for Windows) - Colour must turns green..

Error message:
Port 80: run by another programme
go to services.msc > Stop World Wide Publishing
Mamp( for Windows)

 Username - root,  pass: empty
Database: (any)_db

C drive - w64 -  www (create shortcut)
wordpress zip ( cut paste inside www)
rename wordpress folder

local host

Advanced Photography

Photography Fundamentals

Shutter speed  -  120-125

Faster - darker
Slower- brighter

ISO (sensitivity of light)  - 100-200

Greater, brighter

Aperture  - 8-11

Smaller - sharp , less light
Bigger- Blur, more light