Monday 6 March 2017

Production for animation

Animation is done in Adobe After Effects.

First set the composition settings into HDTV 720 25. Make sure the resolution is 1280 x 720 pixels. Frame rate is 25. Set the appropriate time for the animation.
Figure 1: Composition settings

Figure 2: Import the AI files 

Figure 3: Adding duik components (bones, controllers, master)

Duik is installed in Adobe After Effects to give bones for the movement of the subjects. For examples, human walking. It gives the character more flexibility. First set the pins for each of the parts of hands, legs, hips, neck, stomach where the movement is needed. And then, using the duik, bones are created. Later, controllers is added and then master key to move the character. This process is called rigging.

Figure 4: Working on controllers and bones.

Figure 5: Rigging the blind man character

Figure 6: Adding bones for the left hand

Background files is also imported from AI. Movements are added in the keyframe by adjusting position, scale and master key. Movement of leg and hands for walking are done in rotation.

The finished scene is later rendered in FLV format.

Figure 7: Rendering the video

Figure 8: Choosing the format

From this activity, I learned a lot about Adobe After Effects and still learning more.

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