Friday 26 January 2018

Wednesday 24 January 2018

Task 3: Psychology Properties of Colour

Psychology of colour

The meaning of colours can changes depending on culture, perception and circumstances. Colour is non-verbal communication that can have certain meaning and purpose. Colours may symbolize diffferent things for different people depends on culture and society. (Art Therapy, 2017)

Carl Jung, a renowned psychiatrist and proponent of art therapy, encouraged his patients to use colour to help them express some of the deeper parts of their mind. It is believed that the colour choices of certain person reflects a deeper meaning about the personality traits. For example, introverts likes blue whereas extroverts like red. (Art Theraphy, 2017)

Red - colour of energy, passion, action, ambition, courage, excitement, fire, luck, lust, madness, pain, murder, power, rage, suffering, success, thrill, violence, war, warmth and anger.

Figure 1: Red colour meaning (arttherapy, 2017)

Orange - colour of social communication, appetite, celebration, charisma, creativity, earth, friendship, fun, generosity, happiness, joy, laughter, sunset, smile, wisdom  and optimism.

Figure 2: Orange colour meaning (arttherapy, 2017)

Yellow- colour of mind and intellect, optimism, cheerfulness, bright, happiness, joy, light, playfulness, signal, youth.

 Figure 3: Yellow colour meaning (arttherapy, 2017)

Green - colour of balance, growth, nature, adventure, environment, equilibrium, healing, health, good luck, fertility, clover, hope, life, prosperity, relaxation, sympathy, vegetation, youth.

  Figure 4: Green colour meaning (arttherapy, 2017)

Blue - colour of peace, trust, loyalty, integrity, balance, acceptance, calmness, cleanliness, cool, cooperation, confidence, despair, frankness, freshness, harmony, honesty, logic, maturity, obedience, quality, responsibilities, sincerity, virtue, unity, water.

 Figure 5: Blue colour meaning (arttherapy, 2017)

Indigo - colour of intuition, idealism, addiction, ritualism.
Purple - colour of imagination, creative, immaturity, impractical, art, beauty, compassion, creativity, enchantment, fantasy, individualism, inspiration, justice, intuition, luxury, magic, meditation, mystery, nostalgia, pride, royalty, solemn, sorrow, style, truth

 Figure 6: Purple colour meaning (arttherapy, 2017)

Turquoise - colour of communication and clarity of mind
Pink - colour of unconditional love, nurturing, sillyness
Brown -  friendly, serious, security, protection
Grey - colour of compromise, unemotional, indecisive
Silver - fluid, emotional, sensitive, mysterious
Gold - colour of success, achievement, triumph, prosperity, luxury, elegance, sophistication, wealth
White - complete, pure, perfect, innocence
Black - hidden, secrets, mystery

(, 2017)

Reference:, 2018, Understanding the meaning of colours, in colour psychology,, accessed on 11th January 2018, url:

Art Therapy, 2017, Colour Meanings and Symbolism, Art Therapy, accessed on 12th January 2018, url:

Tuesday 23 January 2018

Task 2: Research on issue for project

Topic/ Issue

Topic 1: Farmers' suicide in India every year.

The Times of India, 2017 mentioned about over 12,000 suicides were reported in the agricultural sector every year since 2013.The suicide is due to low income of farmers.It is devastating that a large number of farmers living below the poverty line and unfortunate incidents of suicides (Mahapatral, D, 2017). A research shows that rising temperatures, climatic change and the resultant stress on India’s agricultural sector may have caused the increase in suicides over the past 30 years (Safi, M, 2018).


(, 2017)

 (, 2017)

(DNAIndia, 2017) 

 (The Huffington Post India, 2017)

(Tribune India, 2017)

(Fineart America, 2017)

(Sourav Roy, 2017)

Sample of ideation:

(, 2017)

(Imgur, 2017)

(Altered barbie, 2017)

(, 2017)

(mattjeffery, 2017)

(, 2017)

Topic 2: Lack of water security

North American millennials (27.3%) are most concerned by the global lack of food and water, followed by 21.5% of millennials in Europe and 11% in both Latin America/the Caribbean and Sub-Saharan Africa (Business Insider, 2017).

(Daily Mail, 2017)
(The United Nations, 2017)

(The United Nations, 2017)
(, 2017)

(Sovereignty First, 2017)

Topic 3: Victims silence

Victims of rape and domestic abuse stay silent (Broadly, 2015). Sexual harassment victims suffer in silence (Wendy, L,Patrick, 2017). The reason behind the silence can be:

-loss of career prospects
-damage to their reputation
-conflicting emotions about a man many of them viewed as a friend and mentor
- guilt and shame
- victims are less likely to report sexual assault when they have a close relationship, either personal or professional

(Psychology today, 2018)

 Digital Synopsis, 2017

(FrancoLawgroup, 2017) 

(, 2017)

(, 2017)

(Jeffrey J. Shapiro & Associates, 2017)

(, 2017)

 (, 2017)

 (English News, 2018)

Sample of ideation:

 (Saatchi art, 2017)

(, 2017)

(, 2017)

(Algerno, 2017)

(, 2017)


Mahapatral D, 2017, Over 12000 farmer suicides per year, Centre tells Supreme Court,The Times of India, accessed on 23rd January 2018, url:

Safi, M, 2018, Suicides of Nearly 60000 Indian farmers linked to climate change, study claims, Guardian News and Media Limited, accessed on 23rd January 2018, url:

Loudenback, T, 2016, the 10 most critical problems  in the world, according to millenials, Business Insider Malaysia, accessed on 23rd January 2018, url:

Digital Synopsis, 2017, 60 Powerful Social Issue Ads that will make you stop and think, Digital Synopsis, accessed on 23rd January 2018, url:

Beusmen, C, 2015, Why victims of rape and abuse stay silent, Broadly, accessed on 29th January 2018, url:

Wendy, L, Patrick, 2017, Sexual Harassment Victims suffer in Silence, Here's Why, Psychology today, accessed on 29th January 2018, url: