Tuesday 11 September 2018

EX 1 Videography

Videography- The process of capturing image in a movement.


-Sequence, editing
-Media conversion


-Framing and composition
-Rule of thirds
-Depth of field - shallow (blur background), deep
-Angles - high (object looks mighty), low
-Lighting - low key (dark), high key
-Shot Types- close up, medium shot, long shot, 2 view point,
-Camera movement- pan, tilt, track, zoom, crane
-Lead space and head room
-180 degree rule

Example video taken for principles of videography:

Framing and composition

Rule of thirds

Depth of field - shallow (blur background), deep

Angles - high (object looks mighty), low

Lighting - low key (dark), high key

Shot Types- close up, medium shot, long shot, 2 view point,

Camera movement- pan, tilt, track, zoom, crane

Lead space and head room

180 degree rule

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