Saturday 8 December 2018

Signs Short film attempt

Ajeeth,  playing as the protagonist character in this short film “SIGNS” shows some behaviour changes in his daily routine.  Leaving his colleague, family members and friends to wonder the reason behind his unusual behaviour but failed to step forward to lend a helping hand. Discovering the reasons behind his depression and extreme mood swings, Ajeeth reaches out for help. Inconsideration of his friends and family and being unable to get proper treatment and appropriate medication, ajeeth leaves with no solution but to end his life to silence the voices in his mind.

Character A:    Ajeeth as “Ajeeth” - Main Protagonist. Plays role as a supervisor, a friend and a brother. Character which suffers from bipolar disorder.                                                                                                                                             
Character B:  Shanthiny as “Shan” - Supporting role. Ajeeth’s best friend. A very jovial and cheerful person. A caring friend but closes an eye when it comes to serious issues.                                                                                                                                                  
Character C:  Vijay as “Vijay”. Supporting role. Ajeeth’s brother. A caring and observant person.

Character D:  Amir as “colleague A”. Supporting role. Works in Ajeeth’s office. A hardworking person.

Character E: Chi Hou as “Colleague B”. Supporting character. Also works in Ajeeth’s office.  Likes to gossip.

Character F: Menagha as “Ajeeth’s mum”. Supporting character.

Character G: Jon as “Ajeeth’s friend” (Coffee Bean Scene)

Character H: Siva as “Ajeeth’s friend” (Coffee Bean Scene)

Film Treatment:
Scene 1 :
Ajeeth making his way to the office. A few close up shots of him adjusting the tie and waiting for the lift. Credits shown.

Scene 2 :
Ajeeth who plays the role as a supervisor gets very angry after reviewing his colleague’s (Amir) report.
Without thinking , Ajeeth throws the file on his face. His colleague tries to explain but Ajeeth stops him. Ajeeth asks his colleague to revise his report and asks him to leave his office angrily. Amir gets annoyed with Ajeeth’s unruly behaviour. He picks up the file and slams the door behind him. Unable to control his temper, Ajeeth kicks the table, punches the wall and pushes everything on the table to the floor.

Scene 3:
Ajeeth and his friends are hanging out at a cafe and his friend cracks a joke. Ajeeth is observed to be laughing continuously even after the rest have stopped. Everyone looks at ajeeth wondering if he is alright. One of his friend decides to step in to break the awkwardness and asks if he is okay. Ajeeth’s expression changes completely and he leaves the table angrily.  Puzzled, his friends asks Shan, Ajeeth’s best friend , if he is well to do but Shan neglects.
Scene 4:
Ajeeth sitting in his room, hiding in the corner. He mumbles to himself and observed to be very distressed.

Scene 5:
His brother, Vijay, who notices Ajeeth is acting weirdly decides to have a talk with his mother about it. As Vijay was explaining to her about Ajeeth’s behaviour may be caused by some mental illness, his mother quickly shuts him off , saying its work stress and asks vijay to stop overthinking.

Scene 6:
Shan comes over to meet Ajeeth. As he tries to explain his behavior changes to her, she laughs and asks him to take it easy and to stop overthinking. Ajeeth gets frustrated and walks off. She feels guilty and returns back to talk to him.

Scene 7:
So she rushes to his home to look for him and observed his pc screen is on .Out of curiosity, she goes through his search regarding bipolar disorder and finds out the truth. She gets scared and searches for him all over the house. Unable to locate him, she asks his mother and finds out that he have not returned home . She quickly rushes out of the house while trying to reach him on phone.

Scene 8:
She rushes up to rooftop and catches a glimpse of Ajeeth standing at the edge of rooftop. Shan tries to stay calm and control the situation. After a moment of silence Ajeeth turns over to Shan and smiled and says ‘Its too late’ and jumps off. Fade off.

The phrase “Act before it’s too late” fades in and  ends the story. 

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