Thursday 8 December 2016

Final task 20th century project


The project is about creating artwork based on all the 20th century movements such as, cubism, dadaism, surrealism, postmodernism, conceptualism and etc. The topic is about teenager. So the researcher found out that teenager is someone who has the quality of butterfly but trapped in a obstacles and in period of disorientation. This project is about realizing or discovering of their highest potential which is hidden themselves. The style of this artwork is, cubism, surrealism, dadaism, and postmodernism.

Cubism can be seen in the straight lines of the black thread. Surrealism is the cocoon (thread) and butterflies represented in different concepts. Dadaism can be seen in the reusing of scissor as to represent the butterfly. Postmodernism is the artwork itself which is the installation art.

The thread represents the all the obstacles the teenager is going through. For examples, problems arise from studies, money, parents, friends, unlocking potential and finding identities. The scissors which suppose to be sharp was covered with thread showing that the sharpness or the potential is hidden to be cut through the thread. It also has the shape of a butterfly because butterfly has wings which suppose can fly freely but got stucked inside.



Materials: PVC pipe (2 feet long each side), connecting valves 'T' and 'U', PTFE, contact grip glue, black and red thread, scissors, black spray.


Connect all the pipes into a cube form with the connecting valves. Each corner will have one 'T' valve and 'U valve.

Figure 1: Connecting the edges to form cube.

Secure the position by PTFE and glue.
Figure 2: Securing with PTFE. 

Hammer on top of valves to fix the position tightly.
Figure 3: Hammer to fix the position. 

Figure 4: The box/ cube. 
Spray the entire box with black colour spray.
Figure 5: Before spraying colour.
Figure 6: After spraying black.

Tie black thread at one end and pull it to other side and continue do it at different places to form a cocoon like structure.
Figure 7: Tieing black thread.
Figure 8: More thread.
Figure 9: Moving the thread all around the box.
Figure 10: More thread. 

Figure 11: Finished tieing thread.
Figure 12: Materials for the inner part.

Cover the scissor with red thread to hide the scissors (metaphor for hiding the potential).
Figure 13: Covering the scissor with thread.

Figure 14: Finished 'butterfly'.

Insert the 'butterfly' into the middle of the cocoon. Secure it properly.
Figure 15: Putting the 'butterfly' inside.
Figure 16: In progress.
Figure 17: Adding red threads to show anger.

Figure 18: Finished artwork.

Red colour thread shows the anger, and dangers or struggle the teenager is going through in his life. The black is shows the negativity from the surrounding, troubles, obstacles, sorrow and etc.

For the base to exhibit my artwork, I chose the wooden boards and paint them white. I paint it white because the stage which represent the world is actually has positive property as white always described as pure. So, the teenager once come out from the strangles, the white world will be his or her.
Figure 19: Spraying white paint.

One tin of white spray does not enough for the whole board, since the wood absorb the white. So I used water based paint to paint the wooden boards to cut the cost.  

Figure 20: Applying first layer of white colour.
Figure 21: Painting.
Figure 22: Consequent layers.

Figure 23: Assembled wooden board as a stage.
Figure 24: Finished artwork, Uncertain Journey (Menagha, 2016)

Uncertain Journey centers around one installation that dominates the Space. Seemingly growing from center, that act as expressions of human acts. Complex networks of yarn are often interlaced around and between objects, linking their inherent narratives and creating a new visual order. Speaking of the ideas, "Teenagers are like a journey without a destination, even though we don't know where we are heading, we cannot stop. I wanted to emphasis this feeling of a teenager with nowhere to go whilst alluding to a search for a sense of belonging. Its like how teenagers behaved."

The box frame symbolizes a pupa is a transition and a connection between people. The interwoven strands also express complex networks of obstruction that creates stress stage of physical and psychological of a teenagers the red colour scissors representing butterfly in a metaphorical expression as teenagers fly away through on a journey of uncertainty and wonder.

From this project, I learned to unlock her creativity as well as had opportunity to create something new. The same time to deliver message to others.

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