Wednesday 14 June 2017

Attitude and manners in interview

Attitude and manners are very important during an interview because it creates first impression of oneself to the evaluator.

Some of criteria are as follow:

- Smile and be ethuasiastic because it creates first impression
- Turn off the phone or put it in silent to avoid disturbances
- Make sure to arrive 10 minutes early to the interview and introduce self to the receptionist
- Make eye contact and sit in open posture where the shoulders are lined up with the shoulder of interviewer
- Give introduction about self to the interviewer
- Dress code should matching the professional ethique and avoid wardrobe malfunctions
- Use terms like 'Ms, Madam, Sir, Dr' when talking to the interview team because it shows the respect for others
- After hand shaking with the interviewer, stand behind the chair and politely asked for permission. Personal belongings should not put on the table except the resume, portfolio, business card, notebook and pen. Other things such as bag should be placed under the chair or on the floor.
- Sit up straight with both legs planted on the floor
- After the interview, say thanks you to everyone and ask about timeframe for filling the job if necessary
(Nancy, R, Mitchell, 2017)


Nancy R. Mitchell, 2017, Top 10 Interview Tips from an Etiquette Professional, Experienced, Inc, accessed on 14 June 2017, url:

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