Thursday 8 June 2017

Experimentation of transfer print on paper box

Transfer print was done on paper box. A thin layer of acrylic medium was applied on printed image and pressed on paper box. It was left for a few hours before rubbing with wet cloth to remove the paper.

Experimentation 1:

Figure 1: The image was ripped of the paper box

Figure 2: Experimentation failed

Figure 3: Most of the ink remained.

Errors could be due to waiting for long hours before removing the paper. The acrylic was stuck firmly to it. Another error could be the acrylic was mixed with water before applying on paper. The paper box itself absorbs the water so it is hard to make the ink stay on paper box.

Experimentation 2:

Figure 4: Applying a layer of acrylic medium on paper box

Figure 5: Let the acrylic medium to dry

Figure 6: Apply the medium and press the paper with roller

Figure 7: Let the medium to dry for 1 hour

Figure 8: Rubbing the paper with wet cloth

Figure 9: The paper comes out
Figure 10: The paper teared off upon appliying water

Figure 11: Some of the ink remained

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