Saturday 10 February 2018

Report progress

1.1 Style used and Apply
Colour, Form, Value, Space, Emphasis, Proportion

1.2 Target audience
      Women whom age range from 14 to 40 years old.

1.3 Research purpose

Aim: To visualize about victim’s silence especially woman on sexual harassment

Objective: To research and collect information on victim’s silence on sexual harassment
                  To deliver the idea of victim’s silence in form of visual, artwork by applying    
                   elements and principles of design

2.0 Observation and analysis

Topic: Victims’ silence

Victims of rape and domestic abuse stay silent (Broadly, 2015). Sexual harassment victims suffer in silence (Wendy, L,Patrick, 2017). The reason behind the silence can be:
·         Fear
·         loss of career prospects
·         damage to their reputation
·         conflicting emotions about a man many of them viewed as a friend and mentor
·         guilt and shame
·         victims are less likely to report sexual assault when they have a close relationship, either personal or professional

(Psychology today, 2018)

Colour study
Colour which is related to victim, fear, worries, suffering:
Red - colour of pain, murder, rage, suffering, violence, war, and anger.
Indigo - colour of intuition, idealism, addiction, ritualism.
Brown - serious, security
Grey - unemotional, indecisive
Silver - fluid, emotional, sensitive, mysterious
Black - hidden, secrets, mystery
(, 2017)

Figure 1: Personality characteristic is fear and/or terror. (Hallock, J, 2017)

The colours red and black has bigger percentage in this pie chart. Birren associates blood, fire, danger, rage, and fierceness to red, while at the same time associating mourning, funereal, ominous, deadly, and death to black. (Hallock, J, 2017)

Figure 2: Wooden girl murder (Fandom, 2017)

3.0 Design Process

3.1 Methods


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