Friday 16 February 2018

Task 4 Diorama based on emotions, light and colour

Diorama means a model representing a scene with three-dimensional figures, either in miniature or as a large-scale museum exhibit. (, 2018)

Story: A girl is pulling away heart from a guy in heaven which is far away. This diorama describes
         love emotions, calmness and longing for love that is far away. Therefore, colours like blue,
         pink and purple are mainly used in this diorama. The background has mountains, night sky,
         stars. This diorama will be given star shapes hanging from the roof of the box. It also has
         clouds and purple light to give romantic look.

Figure 1: Diorama with hanging stars (, 2018)

Figure 2: Diorama with lights (Crumbums, 2018)
Figure 3: Diorama and light in a thin box (, 2018)

Materials: Box (12X12 inch), printouts images, glue, cutter, foamboard, strings, glitters, superglue, colourful small wood stick, colour spray paint, LED light


Figure 4: Paste the printouts on foamboard

Figure 5: Cut the layouts

Figure 6: Layouts for background

Figure 7: Cut the heart shapes

Figure 8:  Put the glitters

Figure 9: 12X12 Inch wooden box is made

Figure 10: Spray paint the box

Figure 11: Pink coloured box

Figure 12: Adding stick to make the paper upright

Figure 13: Girl layout

Figure 14: Guy with wings

Figure 15: Glitter paper as the base of the diorama

Figure 16: Night sky as background

Figure 17: Put mountains as layer by layer

Figure 18: Paste all the printouts as desire

 Figure 19: Make fence from colourful wooden stick

Figure 20: Paste the fence and decorate it

Figure 21: Diorama on progress of making

Figure 22: Experimenting with mobile flashlight
Figure 23: Decorate the sites with ribbons and hearts

Figure 24: Put cottons as clouds  

Figure 25: Hang the stars on roof of the diorama and add more decorations

Figure 26: Diorama with white light

Figure 27: Perspective view of diorama

Figure 28: The light was covered with purple paper to make it emits purple colour light

Figure 29: Heart is made from red strings and tied to a wooden bundle
 Figure 30: Paste the printouts related to love emotion on side of the box 

 Figure 31: Paste the printouts

Figure 32: Paste the printouts

Figure 33: Diorama  in a bright environment

Figure 34: Diorama in a dimmed lighting

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