Tuesday 17 October 2017

6/8 pages in progress

The web described about information on chocolate.

First page is about home, where the buttons are inserted on left with the link to respective html pages. Rollover image is used for the buttons. Huge banner with melted chocolate was illustrated and inserted on upper page with the name of the page 'LoveBite Chocolate', together with the logo. At the middle, illustration of chocolate was drawn and inserted to give emphasize on it. Other than that, a small piece of information about chocolate is inserted right of the picture. At the bottom, more chocolate illustration is inserted together with the link for every html pages. Copyright was included below it. Other than that, javascript for audio for button click is added to make the page more interesting. The colour follows the moodboard and the font was limited to 'Bittersweet', Myriad Pro and Bookman Antiqua.

Colour used:

Home page:

The second page describes about history of chocolate. Map was illustrated in Adobe Illustrator and saved as png format before inserting into table. At above and below, melting chocolate is added. For main titles, Bittersweet font was used. On the right side of map, information is added with the font Myriad Pro (justify). At below, buttons for home page and next page is are added with audio. Bottom of page belongs to links and copyright which follows the same design as home page.

Third page describes about different types of cocoa and entitled 'Theobroma Cacao'. The design follows exactly the second page except the melting chocolate for upper and below as well as buttons were switched place as 90 degree relection (mirrored). For the information on types of cocoa, collapsible tab was inserted through the existing menu template (css coding). Other than that, doodles are inserted in between the page.

Forth page describes the harvesting and processing of cocoa. The design follows the second page except for the information which is altered. Tab is inserted to put information inside it. Other than that, illustration with rollover image was added so when viewer put mouse over it, the name of the process pops up.

Fifth page describes about countries that produces cocoa as well as some information on it. Map was inserted with table below it. The design follows the third page.

The sixth page describes about types of chocolate. Again collapsible tabs are added to simplify the space.

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