Tuesday 13 September 2016

Method of investigation-


 We were taught about understanding method of investigation and writing a report formally. I and my friends are asked to choose an activity, and write on the method and how to write a report. My friend Yati has chosen the activity how to make a hot chocolate drink meanwhile Umar has chosen how to make a meat pie. We should include a title, followed by, ingredients and then steps. For activity that not related to food, ingredients can be omitted. All the reports are should be written standardized form as following:

                  Font:                Arial
                  Font size :        heading: 16, subtitle: 14, body of the text: 12
                  Line spacing:   double spacing
                  Font colour:      black
                  Page margin:    left: 3.4 cm, right: 2.5cm, up: 2.5 cm, down:2.5 cm

My report is as follow:

Method of investigation
Title:     Making a YouTube video
·         1) Having a idea or message
We should have a message that we want to tell others.
·         2) Write down the message
We should write down the ideas on a piece of paper and draft it out with other relevant points. Omit unwanted details.
·         3) Obey rules and regulations of YouTube
We should read the rules, terms and privacy policy of the YouTube, before we make a certain video so that we don’t violate the terms. For example, recently, YouTube has changed the content of uploaded video which is should be an advertiser friendly, and no violence. We also should not use copyrighted music, unless we have permission to use it.

                                  Figure 1.0: YouTube guidelines
·         4) Fix a proper time and place
We must make sure the lighting is bright and no background noise during shooting a video.
·         5) Prepare the tools for recording video
We should gather the tools such as camera, camera stand, video pad editor or any other software that can be used to make a video.
                                   Figure 1.1: VSDC Video Editor
·         6) Record the video
Start the video with an introduction, and then tell our message. End it with a conclusion.
·         7) Edit the video
Trim or split the file, however we want. Edit the resolution, add video effects and etc. Add background music and other sound effects to make it creative. Put other visual graphics if want for example subscribe image to tell the audience to subscribe to our channel.
·         8) Convert the file into video format
There are many video formats available for example avi, flv.
·         9) Upload the video with suitable title
Upload and give description about the video. Link other social websites to that video to widen the audience.
·         10) Publish the video


1) Dr Hushinaidi bin Hj. Abdul Hamid,(2016), pers.comm,13 September

2) Dr Hushinaidi bin Hj. Abdul Hamid (2016), Understanding method of investigation in  
    Assignment brief, page 7, semester 1, 2016, Kolej University Linton

3) YouTube, (2016), Advertiser-friendly content guidelines,[online] Available from:   

    https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/6162278 [16 September 2016]

 4) VSDC Video Editor,(2011), Flash Integro LLC.

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