Wednesday 21 September 2016

The difference between graphic artist and designer

 We were asked to find the differences between a graphic artist and graphic designer. Through my finding, I found several of the differences.

 Graphic artist by the term of artist itself, we can find their criteria. Graphic artists mostly speacialized in illustration and producing their own artwork to show their emotions. Most of them skillful in drawing, and fine arts such as drawing graffiti, comics, animations and so on. To become a graphic artist, one not neccessarily need a degree but need to be passionate, skillful , and creative. Most of the graphic artist are self-employed although some work as illustrator. They also use digital medium like photographs and computer generated image in their works. Some of the artworks are as follow:

Image result for art

 Meanwhile, graphic designers are mostly work on corporate design and for company. They produce their artwork as per request of the company or the consumer. They produce logos, or symbol for advertise purpose and to publish something. They solve visual communication problems and convey message through visual. To be a  graphic designer, one should has bachelor in diploma, or degree or any other equivalent certificates.  Graphic designer need to be skillful in using software like Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop. They also need to have knowledge in typography, motion graphics, conceptual image, photography and so on and need to be up-to-date with current world demand. They also good in designing games and become game developer. The market demand for graphic designer can be vary according to the skill, experience, job and so on. Example of the artwork are as follow:

Creative group (2015), Hot Job: graphic designer,[online] available at:[retrieved on 21 September 2016]

Morgan S., Graphic artistvs graphic designer,[online], available at: [retrieved on 21 September 2016]

Abbas Shahid Baqir,(2010),Student shelter in computer, [image],available at: [accessed on 21 September 2016]

Wise T.Taylor Wise art,[online], available at: [accessed on 21 September 2016]


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