Thursday 28 September 2017

Continuation of research

Harvesting and Processing of Cocoa beans

Theobroma Cacao

Swedish botanist, Carolus Linnaeus, renamed the cocoa tree in 18th century, giving it the Greek name Theobroma Cacao which literally means 'food of gods'.

Cocoa tree grow best under the canopy of tropical rainforests, not reaching more than 7.5 metres (25 feet) high. They need to be shaded from direct sun and wind. The cocoa tree has broad, dark leaves about 25cm long, and pale-coloured flowers in which later turns into cocoa beans (Mondelez Australia Pty Ltd, 2017).

There are two methods are generally used to establish cocoa tree plantations. First is by planting young cocoa trees in between permanent or temporary shade trees such as coconut, plantains and bananas. Another is by thinning out the forest trees and planting the cocoa trees in between established trees.

Cocoa trees begin to bear fruit when they reach three to four years old. They produce pink and white flowers throughout the year and only small proportion of the flowers develop into fruits over a period of about five months. The pods grow straight out of the trunk and the main branches. Each tree gives 20-30 pods per year. One tree produces 450gms of chocolate per year. (Mondelez Australia Pty Ltd, 2017).

 (, 2017)

(EncyclopediaBrittanica, 2017)

Types of Cocoa Pods:

Forastero (means 'stranger' or 'outsider' in Spanish.)
 -widely grown in West Africa, Brazil, Ghana, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, New Guinea, Central America, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Indonesia.
 -has a red/yellow pod and dark purple beans.
 - large-scale chocolate (85% world's cocoa production) is made from Forastero beans - an unexceptional but high-yielding variety from Brazil and W Africa.
- cocoa with strong, earthy flavours
- disease resistance

Criollo (means 'of local origin')
 - produce softer red/yellow pods, containing 20-30 white, ivory or very pale purple beans.
 -very high quality cocoa bean with fine flavor and is very aromatic and lacks bitterness
- luxury chocolate
-  Found in Venezuela, Mexico, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Columbia, Samoan Islands, Sri Lanka and Madagascar.
-less than 3% of the world's cocoa production
- not disease resistance

Trinitario (originates from the island nation of Trinidad)
-are cultivated hybrids of the other two types.
-from Venezuela and cross-fertilised with the native criollo beans resulting in the trinitario
- grown mainly in the Caribbean, Cameroon, Venezuela, Columbia and Papua New Guinea.
- beans of variable colour
-12% of the world's cocoa production.

(Amano Artisan Chocolate, 2014)

Ripe pods are gathered and cut with large knives attached to poles.
The pods are collected in large baskets to be split open by hand by the workers.
The seeds or beans, which are covered with a sweet white pulp or mucilage, are removed to go through the two-part curing process - fermentation and drying.

Processing cocoa beans 

Fermentation -
The cocoa pulp clinging to the beans turns into a liquid and drains away and chocolate flavour starts to develop. There are two basic methods of fermentation, which are using heaps and "sweating" boxes.

The heap method is traditionally used on farms in West Africa. It involves piling of wet cocoa beans, surrounded by the pulp, on banana or plantation leaves spread out in a circle on the ground. The heap is covered with more leaves and left for 5-6 days.

In the West Indies, Latin America and Malaysia, strong wooden boxes with drainage holes or gaps in the slats in the base are used. This allows air and liquid to pass through during fermentation process. This process takes 6-8 days.

Drying and bagging 

The wet mass of beans is dried, either traditionally by being spread in the sun on mats or using special drying equipment.


The dried beans are cracked and a stream of air separates the shell from the nib, the small pieces used to make chocolate. 

 The nibs are roasted in special ovens at temperatures between 105-120 degrees Celsius. The cocoa nibs darken to a rich, brown colour and acquire their characteristic chocolate flavour and aroma. The roasting time depends on whether the end use is for cocoa or chocolate.


 The roasted nibs are ground in stone mills until the friction and heat of the milling reduces them to a thick chocolate-coloured liquid. It contains 53-58% cocoa butter and solidifies on cooling.


 The cocoa mass is pressed in powerful machines to extract the cocoa butter in order to make chocolate.
The solid blocks of compressed cocoa remaining after extraction are pulverised into a fine powder to produce a high-grade cocoa powder.

Cocoa growing countries 

South and Central America (Brazil and Ecuador)
Ghana in West Africa
Asia (Malaysia and Indonesia)

(The world Atlas of chocolate, 2017)

Top seven cocoa producing countries

ICCO forecasts of production of cocoa beans for the 1997/98 cocoa year
CountryProduction forecast for 1997/98:
(in thousand tonnes)
Côte d'Ivoire1150.0
Brazil 160.0
Quarterly Bulletin of Cocoa Statistics, 24 (1), 1997/98
Source: International Cocoa organization, April 1998
 Source: UNCTAD based on the data from International Cocoa Organization, quaterly bulletin of cocoa statistics.
(UNCTAD, 2016)

World cocoa production by country from 2012/2013-2016/2017
Types of chocolate

Unsweetened chocolate -
pure chocolate without adding sugar
also known ad bitter chocolate, baking chocolate, and pure chocolate. 
Used exclusively for baking

Bittersweet Chocolate
35 percent pure chocolate with some small amount of sugar added
also known as dark chocolate
contains chocolate liquor, sugar, cocoa butter, vanilla and leicithin (an emulsifier).
darker and less sweet than semisweet
Used for baking and eating.

Semisweet Chocolate
35 percent pure chocolate with added cocoa butter and sugar
Used for baking and eating

 Sweet Baking Chocolate
15 percent pure chocolate with added cocoa butter and sugar
 Sweeter than semisweet chocolate

Milk Chocolate
10 percent pure chocolate with added cocoa butter and sugar
Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
pure chocolate with most of the cocoa butter removed
Natural cocoa powder is light brown, with a strong, pronounced chocolate flavor.
slightly acidic
White Chocolate
made by combining cocoa butter with sugar, milk solids, and flavoring, usually vanilla
Premelted Chocolate
semiliquid, unsweetened product made of cocoa powder and vegetable oil.
Candy Coating
 also known as compound chocolate coating, chocolate summer coating, confectioners' coating chocolate, and chocolate-flavored coating
 most of the cocoa butter removed and replaced with vegetable fat.
Mexican Chocolate 
has cinnamon and sugar added to the pure chocolate.

 (Meredith Corporation, 2017)

Benefits and therapeutical use of Chocolate

(, 2017)


- Lowers cholesterol level
 This enhances blood pressure and lowers the risk of getting cardiovascular disease

- It has ability to limit memory decline according to research done in Harvard Medical school.

- Reduces the risk of getting stroke that causes death

-It reduces the feeling of anxiety and stress

-Dark chocolates help women to overcome pregnancy complications.

-Acts as painkiller


Hussain,N, 2015,  7 Suprising Benefits of chocolate, Destination KSA, accessed on 1 October 2017, url:, 2017, Benefits and uses of cocoa,,accessed on 28 September 2017,

Better Homes and Gardens, 2017, Chocolate: Type, Selection, Storages, Meredith Corporation, accessed on 1 October 2017, url:

Amano Artisan Chocolate, 2014, Theobroma Cacao-The tree of life:Varieties of cacao, Amano Artisan Chocolate, accessed on 12 October 2017, url: 

The world Atlas of chocolate, The production of chocolate, The world Atlas of Chocolate, accessed on 15 October 2017, url: 

UNCTAD, 2016, Cocoa industry: integrating small farmers into the global value chain, United Nations New York and Geneva, accessed on 15 October 2017, url:

Wednesday 27 September 2017

3D modelling

 After illustration done on 3d characters, designer imported the picture into Maya software for 3d Modelling.

New project is opened and images are added. Front and side images are added and on the platform.

Images are resized to 1.5 scale.

Sphere polygonal mesh is used for the character and it is scaled using scale tool.

X-ray is set to see through the polygonal mesh.

The sphere is cut into half, and extruding tool is used to extrude the 3d model. Later vertex, face are modified according to the picture.

Some of the points to note:

alt + left click - rotation of camera angle
 alt + scroll click - to move the camera view
Short form keys - W And R to move and scale.
Append to polygon - G and click the edges and press enter.

The hemisphere is append to polygon below it after connecting both polygons.

Tutorial on construct 2 tool

I was given tutorial on how to use construct 2 tool in order to make a game. I downloaded existing templates and used them to learn about coding the platform game. This tutorial helps me to get a picture and exposure before I design and make my own platform game.

Some of the screenshots.

I learned how to code enemy into the game and how to add animation to it. 

Sunday 24 September 2017

Research on Chocolate for web design


 What is chocolate?

Chocolate is made from the dried seeds that are found in pods on the cocoa tree. Real chocolate is made from cocoa and its ingredients include cocoa butter and 5% vegetable fat. Compound chocolate will have less cocoa and/or more than 5% vegetable fat than real chocolate (Mondelez Australia Pty Ltd, 2017).

(Newslifemedia, 2017)

 (, 2017)

Target audience

Chocolate lovers and those who want to know information about chocolate


1) To do research on chocolate and to collect information for the content of web design
2) To analysis information and details to be added into web designing
3) To create a simple and attractive web design interface with the pictures and details


According to Anthropologist, chocolate was first produced by Pre-Olmec cultures living in Mexico 1900 B.C ago. MesoAmericans cultivated cocoa plant at rainforest in Central America and fermented the seeds to be mix with water, vanilla, honey, chili peppers as well as other spices to make a frothy chocolate drink (Klein, C, 2014).

 (Mondelez Australia Pty Ltd, 2017)

Civilizations named Olmec, Mayan and Aztec believe that chocolate contains mystical and spiritual qualities as it is used as mood enhancer. Mayans believe in worshipping a god of cocoa and often associated with reserving chocolates for priest, rulers, warriors and sacred ceremonies. Furthermore, it is believed that 16th century Aztec emperor drank three gallons of chocolate per day to increase his libido (Klein, C, 2014).

In 1500s in Spain, chocolate was potrayed as symbol of luxury, power and wealth since only can be sipped by royal lips and Spanish elites because of its expensive import. Spain kept the chocolate secret until daughter of Spanish King Phillip III marries France King Louis XIII in 1615. Soon, the popularity of chocolate sprout all over European countries.

In 1847, British Chocolate company J.S. Fry and Sons produced the first solid chocolate bar from cocoa butter, cocoa powder and sugar (Klein,C, 2014). Invention of conching machine by Rodolphe Lindt from Bern in 1879 enable production of chocolate in better texture, great aromas and taste ((Klein, C, 2014).

Figure 1: Conching machine (, 2008)

Chocolate starts to boom in 1800s and 1900s by companies such as Cadbury, Ferrero Rocher, Kit Kat, Mars and etc all over the world and about 75 dollar billions are spent on chocolate annually by people worldwide.

 Famous chocolate brands


Figure 2: Cadbury (, 2017)

-British company owned by an American company since 2010
-John Cadbury started his career as a chocolatier in 1824 in London
-comes in Flakes, Milk Bars, Fruit Nuts and crunches

website link:

(The independent, 2016)


(Hospibuz, 2016)

- first manufactured in the USA.
-Founder: Frank C. Mars

-flavors include Mars Almond, Mars Gold, and Mars Maple.
- Mars Chocolate is one of the world’s leading chocolate manufacturers and employs more than 16,000 Associates across 21 countries
- Mars Chocolate features 29 brands in total, including five billion-dollar global brands: M&M’S®, SNICKERS®, DOVE®/GALAXY®, MARS®/MILKY WAY® and TWIX® Candy.

Ferrero Rocher
(, 2009)

- Italian made roasted specialties (origin)
-found by Ferrero SpA in 1982
-The wafer covered with milk constituents, carefully encased with caramel toppings and other selectivity
-Other brands include Rondnoir, Raffaello and Garden


Kit Kat

(, 2017)

-wafer biscuit bar which is covered by chocolate

-was created in England and is currently produced by Nestle, and in the U.S., H.B. Reese Candy Company
-comes in packets of two or four fingers, and comes in a variety of flavors including Kit Kat White, Kit Kat Mint, and Kit Kat Cookies and Cream
- famous quote: Have a break, Have a Kit Kat


(Smashinglist, 2017)

-started in 1986, in UK
-comes in second to the Cadbury Dairy Milk bar in the best selling chocolate bars in the United Kingdom.

website link:


 (Smashinglist, 2017)

-started back in 1908
-Swiss brand
-founded in 1868 by Jean Tobler, and continued by his son, Theodor Tobler in inventing triangular shaped chocolate bar.
-"Toblerone" - Tobler means honey and Torrone means almond nougat in Italy.
-known for their unique triangle shape
-flavors such as ‘Plain’, ‘White’, Pralines, ‘Fruit Nuts’ & ‘ Honey Comb’

website link:

  (Smashinglist, 2017)

-originating from Lebanon.
-Established in 1974
-founded in Beirut, Lebanon, in 1974, by Nizar Choucair
-leading chocolate brand of the Middle East
-taste depicts mixed flavors of Swiss and Belgian origins

website link:


   (Smashinglist, 2017)

-Belgian chocolate manufacturer founded by Guy Foubert in 1958.
-Lotte Confectionery from South Korea bought the company in 2008
-famous for making chocolate seashells with a variety of fillings

website link:


(, 2017)

-Ghirardelli Chocolate Company is a United States division of Swiss confectioner Lindt & Sprüngli.
 -Founded by  Italian chocolatier Domenico Ghirardelli in 1852.
-used milk chocolate,well arranged caramel with caco darks for producing it
-current headquarters of the brand is in USA

website link:

Lindt and Sprungli

(, 2017)

 -Swiss company which dates back to 1879, by David Sprungli and Rodolphe Lindt
-flavors include hazelnut, mocha, peppermint, cinnamon peanut butter, Irish cream, coconut, caramel, and sea salt.

website link:


Klein, C, 2014, The Sweet Hostory of Chocolate,, accessed on 24th September 2017, url:

Cadbury, 2017, What is chocolate, © Mondelez Australia Pty Ltd 2017, accessed on 24th September 2017, url:

Smashinglist, 2017, 10 of the most popular chocolate brands,, accessed on 1 October 2017, url:

Trending Top Most, 2017, Top 10 Most Popular Chocolate Brands in the world,, accessed on 1 October 2017, url:

WIPO, 2017, All for the Love of Chocolate, WIPO, accessed on 26th October 2017, url: