Tuesday 5 September 2017

Game analysis

Game 3: Kim Possible: A sitch in Time


 A sitch in time is a game created based on Kim Possible Disney Tv Cartoon Series. Genre of this game is platform game.


Kim Possible travels in the past to stop the villain from crushing her spirit. She was designed as she is in her childhood phase and teenage phase as game progresses.

Character design 

Kim possible

 Kim is in her childhood, where she is wearing a blue dress and has ponytails. She also has marks on her face. She wears blue shoes.

 Other character: Ron - Ron is also appears as child and wears red shirt and blue short pants with 
                                          black shoes. He was at the end of level 1.


Arrow keys are used:

Up- jump
Down- crouch
Left -moves left
Right- moves right
Spacebar - activates lever, switch

Other features:

Life Bar: Shows Kim's life

Timer: Each level is given 2 min to finish that level by the player.

Extra lives: Kimmunicators are picked for extra lives.

Cuddle buddies: For points

Object design

Interactive objects: Lamp, Lever, Switch

Helpful objects: Block, ball to reach higher ground

Other objects: Kimmunicators, Cuddle buddies

Platform to jump from one to another:

Moving plane:

Obstacles design:

Level 1:

Sleeping babies

Level 3:

Laser beam

Metallic platform: avoid self from falling down through space between them

Enemy design:

Level 1:

K-villain  that throws ball on Kim.

Another villain that jumps and make the blocks fall on her.

Level 2:


Villain that throws ball

Villain who uses water gun and shoots

Level 3: Last boss - Guardian of Satsuma

Level 1: Little Angel's Pre-school

Kim needs to get out of the classroom to meet pre-K Ron at the playground.

Environment design:

Takes place in a pre-school that is colourful and has many blocks. Drawings are paste on the wall and it ends with door that leads to playground.

Level 2: Little Angels Pre-School Playground

Young Kim nees to cross the playground to meet the present Kim, by avoiding obstacles and villains.

Environment design:

Playground that has see saw, slides, fence, trees, etc.

Level 3: Paisley Mansion Vault

Kim need to cross all the lasers and need to defeat the Guardian of Satsuma by switching on the switch. The laser will burn the villain.

Environment design:

Takes place in a place that has many switches, moving planes and red laser beams.


Gaming Experience:

It was fun to play, and the level was getting harder as progressing. The use of arrows is difficult when it comes to jumping from one plane to plane without falling down to death. The graphic was nice and beautiful. The idea of putting interactive objects is brilliant and suits well for children to play this game. The game designed as per storyline of the real cartoon series was a nice idea since it mimics the story and stimulates the player to play this game to help Kim to defeat the villain.


Krazyness12345, 2008, KP: A sitch in Time-past, youtube, accessed on 9th September 2017, url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9dOdNxUXSg

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