Wednesday 27 September 2017

3D modelling

 After illustration done on 3d characters, designer imported the picture into Maya software for 3d Modelling.

New project is opened and images are added. Front and side images are added and on the platform.

Images are resized to 1.5 scale.

Sphere polygonal mesh is used for the character and it is scaled using scale tool.

X-ray is set to see through the polygonal mesh.

The sphere is cut into half, and extruding tool is used to extrude the 3d model. Later vertex, face are modified according to the picture.

Some of the points to note:

alt + left click - rotation of camera angle
 alt + scroll click - to move the camera view
Short form keys - W And R to move and scale.
Append to polygon - G and click the edges and press enter.

The hemisphere is append to polygon below it after connecting both polygons.

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