Tuesday 9 May 2017

A Visit to Museum Adat, Jelebu

Last Tuesday, on 9th May 2017, a visit to Muzium Adat was done by students and a lecturer to explore about museum, culture and the contrast aspects exhibited in that museum. Museum is the place where artifacts and ancient objecs are displayed to preserve its history and timeline which do not changes during time.

Some of the photos taken during the visit:

Figure 1: Museum Adat
Figure 2: Front view of Museum Adat building

The ground floor is filled with things, clothes of different kind of races and their cultures. The contrast between these races seen in their material use and the style of their clothes. Colour also plays important role. For example, Indian culture likes to use gold colour and silver colour in their culture compared to Chinese, who prefer more to red and white. Malays like to use different kinds of patterns and use of silk in their tradition. Some of the photos taken as below:

Figure 3: Indian tradition
Figure 4: Chinese tradition
Figure 5: Malay tradition
Figure 6: Traditional clothes
Figure 7: Use of different materials
Figure 8: Orang Asli's tradition
Figure 9: Chetti's tradition
Figure 10: Jar
Figure 11: Pot

First floor is all about rituals and musical insturements and some of traditional fine art.
Figure 12: Gong 

Figure 13: Traditional musical instrument
Figure 14: Wayang kulit (shadow puppet)
Figure 15: Traditional musical instrument

One of the ritual carried out in Sabah is Bobohizan ritual of celebrating spirit of paddy field to increase the yield. This is more to animisme belief which may be extinct today or only carried out in rural places since many of the people nowdays are educated and know the science behind the growth of plants.
Figure 16: Bobohizan
Figure 17: Bobohizan

The next floor is all about Sultanate of Malaysia.Throne is one of the symbol of Sultanate in Malaysia.
Figure 18: Throne
Figure 19:  Regalia

Figure 20: The manuscript

 People those days used stone to inscribe their knowledge and memories or a certain events so that it will be remembered forever. In contrast to that, nowdays, historical events are recorded in form of manuscript and documents instead of stones.
Figure 21: The Inscribed Stone Terengganu

Keris or the royal swords are the things that used by soldiers, an royal bloods to protect themselves from dangers. In contrast to that, nowdays, there is no use of these anymore among people since transformation in way of thinking, laws enforcement and usability of that antic object is ruled out.

Figure 22: The royal sword 'Keris'
Figure 23: Keris
The last floor comprised of everything about Negeri Sembilan and traditions that are practiced by the people. Adat Perpatih is one of the tradition practiced here which gives importance to female side, contrast to Adat Temenggung which emphasized on male inheritance.
Figure 24: Axe, Oil Lamp, Book of Hadiths 

Figure 25: Traditional dress of ancient Negeri Sembilan people
Figure 26: Terombo Johol
Figure 27: Foot Operated Pestle
Figure 28: Tepak sirih
Figure 29: Tilam Pandak
Figure 30: Bujam Epok
Figure 31: Silver spatter 
  Figure 32: The Megaliths of the Pengkalan Kempas Historical Complex

Contrast seen in different types of house and their architectures in different states of Malaysia. Some has influence from Indonesia and Portugese.


From this activity and visit, I learned to compare and contrast between different objects, culture and tradition which are displayed in museum. 

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