Sunday 21 May 2017

Research (Proposal -literature review continuition)

There are four sizes of first aid kits, workplace small, medium, large and a travel kit (Realfirstaidltd, 2017)
The size and contents according to size of first aid kit:

Colours spectrum suitable for medical field:

Medical products and devices have a significant impact on user’s experience. Their colours can be calming and restorative, or they can be active and energizing. Colour is one of the most important things that affect us emotionally and psychologically.
The green-cyan-blue side is cool, while the yellow-red-magenta side is warm. Most medical products have used greens, blues colours in the neutral space of whites/greys. The cool colours like blues and greens are calming colours, which is suitable in the anxious environments of hospitals and clinics.
(, 2017)
“ David Pantalony authored an article in the Canadian Medical Association Journal regarding how green became the color of hospitals and medical machines. He cites an American surgeon, Dr. Harry Sherman, as being the first to use green in the operating room in 1914. The traditionally white environment is too bright and glaring with new electric lighting systems as Sherman experimented with an operating room all in green, reasoning it was the colour compliment to the red of hemoglobin. He found that his eyes could rest on anatomical features and details much better and without tiring. Furthermore, colour green is used for therapeutic treatment for its calming qualities.”

(, 2017)

“Green is one of the best of all hues”. It is “fresh in appearance and slightly passive in quality (Ireland, C, 1930).
Other colours like white signifies cleanliness and purity. Other than that, red, green, yellow, orange and blue are the most easily recognized colours according to authors of Handbook of Human Factors in Medical Device Design. Blue has a soothing effect as it gives the most serene and calming hue. Red is energizing and can be appropriate in a pediatric setting. Its obvious association with blood makes it a color to avoid for devices used in the clinic, except in small amounts and for functional reasons to attract the eye to important areas. Yellow is sunny, optimistic and friendly. Great for pediatrics. Pink is a tranquil color. Orange is a happy color. As such, it can also be comforting. Purple is associated with royalty, but also with religion and spirituality.

Realfirstaidltd, 2017, British standard on first aid kits for the workplace,, Accessed on 21th May 2017, url:

Stipe D, 2017, Colour in Medical Products, Forma Medical Device Design, accessed on 21 May 2017, url:

Pantolony, D, 2017, The colour of medicine, National Center for Biotechnology Information, Accessed on 21 May 2017, url:

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