Friday 5 May 2017


Horror genre


Dave is shorter in height compared to his friends. So, he always get bullied by his friends like avoiding him from playing football together. So, he felt isolated, lonely and depressed. He often cries alone at night. Meanwhile, a black shadow watched this with a huge smile on its face. It started to get close with Dave by sitting beside and pressing his neck whenever he cries. Dave likes to stay in darkness in his room.

One day, while laying on bed in dark, he saw some strange red eyes in his cupboard.He got scared and turned on the light. And the shadow disappeared. He went back to bed and covered him with blanket. After a while, the blanket was pulled by someone and he didnt notice it. Suddenly, his leg was pulled by the black shadow. Dave got startled . The shadow crawled and sit on his body and pressed him until he can't breath or utter a word. He prayed to God 'Save me!', and the shadow let him free and disappeared.

The next day, he finished its homework and went back to bed. He cried on bed thinking about his bad memories. He fallen sleep. Suddenly, he heard strange noise and he opened his eyes. He was in different dimension and dark shadows are swirling above his head. A king of all the shadow appeared in front of his eyes and said, "Join our force, we will against those who harmed you, TOGETHER!" and laughed 'HAHAHHAHA'. Dave run and the laughter of the King of black shadow slowly reducing in volume from far.

He waked up from his sleep. "Oh it was just a nightmare" and he was sweating. He wakes up and went to drink a glass of water. Later, he was walking and looking at his reflection on the mirror. Suddenly, his reflection smiled. And a hand comes out from the mirror and then followed by the black shadow. Dave run out of fear. He looked back, and the shadow was chasing him. ' I should face my fears!', Dave got a torchlight from a desk and Holy book. He shined the Holy book with the torchlight towards the black shadow. The ghost burned in fire and turned into air and disappeared.

Moral: Either you run from the fears or face it, Its in your hand.


Dave (12 years old)
Black shadow
2 random friends

Environment concept:

Bedroom whiich has a window, bed, mirror, desk
School playground
Different dimension of ghost

Character reference:

Unused bat creature from Batman Vs superman as the black shadow (, 2017)

(Mystic banana)

(Pinterest, 2017)

(Pinterest, 2017)
(Pinterest, 2017)


bully character (Devian Art, 2017)

Bully boy 2 (, 2017)

Environment reference

(, 2017)

(, 2017)


(Pinterest, 2017)

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