Tuesday 28 February 2017

Final project- mix media (digital illustration)

The final projet is done using Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and Krita.

The researcher chose 3 images from the photos taken, and traced back in digital form. Moodboard colours are added later. All the images are done in A3 size with 300 pixels.

First image:

 Figure 1: Tracing with pen tool (AI)
Figure 2: Tracing with pen tool (AI)

Figure 3: Adding colours (AI)

Figure 4:  Cropping and adding glowing edges effect (Photoshop)

Figure 5: Adding luminescent for the lights (Krita)

Figure 6: Adding spray splat effect and moon (Krita)

Second image:

Figure 7: Tracing

Figure 8: Adding colours

Figure 9: Cropping pictures and adding effects

Figure 8: Using Krita to edit the image and add glows, stars

Image 3:

Figure 9: Illustration

Figure 10: Resizing and adding elements of colours and cropped pictures
Figure 11: Adding enhancements using Krita

Final works:

The tents
Going through the night
Market cook

From this activity, I am able to explore different kind of styles, and skills to produce the final works. Different software are used to produce one work, realises me there are more softwares out there can be used to make the digital art better.

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