Thursday 16 February 2017

Task 3 Comic's Book Project- ROSA - Ego kills beauty



Egotism can be defined by excessive self pride and the practice of talking about self too much until ignoring other's feelings. It is an exaggerated sense of self importance. An egocentric person concerns with individual rather than a society. The idea of researcher is to applies the egotism characteristic in the main character and later realization of the fault and change. (Merriem Webster, 2017)

Comic is an artistic medium that uses words and illustration to deliver a message or as an entertainment. It is easier to deliver something in visual form than writing a long essay. The comics can be in a book form or short stories, or doodles. The examples of comic is Garfield and Spiderman (Applied Comics etc, 2017). The comic design focuses on idea development, character designing, movement of angles, scripts, storyline,  storyboarding, expression, panel scene, layout design, background, (, 2017). The reseacher is decided to deliver the story through comic.

Figure 1: Example of Shift of camera (Ghostlypineapples, 2017)
Figure 2: Rouch sketch of storyboarding (Bertnsson, S, 2015)

Cartoon character retro style started on 1950s. The character has thick bolded and rounded lines, round big eyes, small pupil, simple body parts, colourful,quirky, perky. The head shapes can be oval, square, triangle and oval as well as the head is larger than body parts. Usually the body follows the shape of clothes. Female body has diamond shape at upper body, round shape for hips and legs are closer. (Hart, C, 2005). The researcher uses some retro cartoon style and also surrealism in producing the comic with own designing of characters.


i)To research about egotism/vanity, comic design and cartoon character retro style
ii)To analyze about egotism/vanity, comic design and cartoon character retro style
iii)To apply the comic retro as medium to give awareness to teenagers to avoid too much ego in oneself
iv) To apply the theme of flower in designing the character

Subject Matter
Ego/vanity kills one's beauty

Target audience



Idea development

Theme -

Initial Idea: The researcher decided to apply flower theme in designing the character as main or part of the character and gives human qualities.

Later: Using flower as names, or part of character and maintaining human figures.

Storyline -

A couple named Mr Ben and Mrs Ben  had newborn baby and they named her Rosa. Rosa grows up as beautiful girl by the time she reaches 12 years old. She had a best friend called Lily.One day, while walking, Sunny mentioned about her beauty. And upon hearing it, a sense of pride started to haunt Rosa until she one day hurts the Lily's feelings. Suddenly thorns are started to grow on her body and face, and she isolated herself. Her mom found out and gave her advice. Rosa ask forgiveness, and the thorns disappeared. They become best friends back.

Character design:
      First attempt:

    Second attempt: Giving human figures

Rough Storyboard






Panel scene


Cover page design:


Adobe Illustrator, Krita

Comics Reference:

The designer got inspired by the comics 'Le Gardenie', by an Malaysian artist. The comics has theme of fruits in names and creating the characters as well as having the japanese look.


Applied Comics etc, 2017, Whats a comic,, accessed on 16 February 2017, url:

Berntsson, S , 2015, Create a comic, Envato Pty ltd, accessed on 16 February 2017, url:, 2017, Top principle of comic books artists to know about comic design,, accessed on 16 February 2017, url:

 Hart,C, 2005, How to Draw new retro style character, accessed on 5th February 2017,, url:

Merriem Webster, 2017, Egotism,, accessed on 16 February 2017, url:

Hotel R, le gardenie,, accessed on 27 February 2017, url:

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