Thursday 2 February 2017

Tracing Exercise using Adobe Illustrator

We were asked to trace a real photographic object in Adobe Illustrator and drawing digital arts. Below are the 2 pictures I taken from internet.

Tracing of the picture can be done by using pen tool. Control Z is used to undo whenever I made a mistake. Choosing the colour is done by eyedropper tool, which gives me the exact colour of the object. Other than that, gradient tool is used to mix 2 or 3 different colours to give the tone. Smooth tool is used to smooth the tracing lines especially the curve lines.

Activity 1:

Figure 1: Quendel-Ameisenbläuling (Wikipedia, 2016)
Digital form: 
First attempt:

Second attempt:

Activity 2:
Figure: Black mug (, 2017)

Digital form:
First attempt:

Second attempt:

From this activity, I learned to trace and design the actual object using Adobe Illustrator.

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