Monday 20 February 2017

Task 3 animation- enlightenment of Steven



Enlightenment is awareness that brings changes or awakening in oneself (,2017). The designer is highlighting a man who is devoid of self love and others, and a dream that causes him to awaken from his mistakes.

Two dimensional (2d) animation uses 2 dimensional space which is x (length) and y(height), to create an animation. It focuses on designing the character, storyline, storyboards, background in 2d environment as its pre-production stage. 2d animation uses bitmap and vector graphics to create the animation. The computer software usually used in 2d animation are Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Flash, Adobe Premier Pro, Adobe After Effects. (, 2017). The designer wants to apply 2d animation to deliver the awareness or enlightenment of a man from mistakes to the audience. The designer uses Adobe Illustrator and Adobe After Effects to produce the 2d animation.

The style designer wants to use surrealism and simple characters. Surrealism is the art movement begins in 1920 in which the arts are more to dream like and unrealistic (Tate, 2017). The designer wants to do the climax as surrealistic and ends with realistic.


i)   To research about enlightenment, 2d animation and surrealism
ii)  To analyse about enlightenment, 2d animation and surrealism
iii) To apply the concept of enlightenment in 2d animation and by using surrealism for the audience.

Subject Matter:

Enlightenment from negative habits

Target audience:

Teenagers and adults

Idea and concept:

Urban area which consists of buildings and streets, bar, and sewage/drainage. A man with punk hair shows current trend of 21st century. Little bit of surrealism in producing the rat demon which never existed in real life but more to imaginary.



Steven made a blind man fall and he does not have any sense of guilty. He also is a drinker and goes to bar to get drunk. He got drowsy, and then he got knocked out on the table. And then, he was walking on the street like a jagger and falls dowin to the drainage hole and ends up in darkness. He stare around to find a way to go out. A demon rat started to follow him behind and chased him. Steven runs to escape from it and ended up in 2 way tunnel in which one leads to good (has light) anothes leads to darkness. He chose the light and went through it. He woke up from his sleep and realises his fault.

Character design 
      First attempt:

      Second attempt: 



Blind man:

Rat demon: 
Rough Storyboard 

Storyboards and direction

Character reference:

Figure 1: Punk dude (, 2017)
Figure 2: Blind man( 123RF, 2017)

Figure 3: Devil King (, 2015)

Reference:, 2017, What is 2d animation,,accessed on 24 February 2017, url:, 2017, enlightenment, dictionary, ,accessed on 24 February 2017, url:
Tate, 2017, Surrealism,, accessed on 24 February 2017, url:

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