Thursday 20 April 2017

Discussion on Museum, gallery and heritage

From the discussion with lecturer, the researcher learned that museum is a place where old artefacts are displayed and it is mostly of non-profit organisation that opens for public. Museum is associated with timeline in history in which the objects displayed play important role to preserve the identity and the evidence of past history.The documentation in museum is very usefel for young researchers and students to learn more about history and its value. Museum also becomes the symbol of a certain civilisation. Example of museum are National Museum, Kuala Kelawang Museum and so on.

Figure 1: National Museum

Figure 2: Example of artefacts - South African Zulu Artefacts

Gallery is modern space in 21st century where it is used to exhibit artist's artwork. It is either can be of profit and non-profit organisation. The gallery is divided into two category, either it is private/ self funded or sponsored. National Gallery and Balai Seni Lukis Negara are examples of galleries which are reserved for famous artists. Artist can use gallery to exhibit his work solo (minimum 30 pieces of artworks) or in groups of 3 artists.

Figure 3: Balai Seni Lukis Negara

Figure 4: Petronas Art Gallery (Menagha, 2016)
Figure 5:Lamuria #2 (Ali Mabuha Rahamad, 1987)

Heritage is the term comes from the word inheritance in which a certain assests are inherited and kept. One of the example of cultural heritage are monuments, buildings and traditional attires. Monuments are buildings that protected to remember the memory and history behind that.Tugu Negara is one of the monument that build to remember the memories of soldiers who died in war during Japanese involvement. Some of other heritage that emphasizes on arthictectural values are Taj Mahal, Great Wall of China and Pyramid. From the view of traditional attires and garments, 'songket is considered as one of the cultural heritage for Malay people.

Figure 6: Tugu Negara Malaysia

Figure 7: Taj Mahal

Figure 8: songket

As a conclusion, the researcher learned a lot about the terms and concepts on museum, gallery and heritage which are useful in future.

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