Wednesday 19 April 2017

Task 1: Research and Understanding the Genre

The designer chose the genre, Horror.

The two films that falls under this genre are 'The Conjuring 2' and 'The Exorcist'.

The Conjuring 2 is American movie which is released in 2016. The summary of the movie is as follows:

 In 1977, paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren travels to London after a single mother named Peggy Hodgson claimed that there is something evil is going on in her house. She finds supernatural phenomenon happened in her house and asks for help. Her younger daughter shows the sign of demon's possession when she starts to talk in different voice. Both Ed and Lorreine tries to find ways to help the girl and they also got attacked by the evil spirit, Bonnie a Valak demon nun. The story is how they defeat the evil and saved the girl and her family.

Actors: Patrick Wilson, Vera Farmiaga, Madison Wolfe, Frances O Connor, Lauren Esposito
Director: James Wan
Initial release: Jun 8, 2016

Analysis: The genre horror shown with the facial expression which gives shock and scream to the audience. The audio also played important role to create eerie, surprising and scary scenes. Make up artist also did excellent job on giving frightening look on the face of actors, the girl and also the demon.

 Another movie is The Exorcist (1973). The summary of this movie is as follows:

Chris MacNeil and her preteen daughter, Regan are in Washington DC. She is an Hollywood actress  and she is on extended location shoot for a movie. They rented a brownstone in Georgetown to live during the movie shoot. There, she heard weird noises in middle of night, in which she at first thought it just noises made by rats. But later, her daughter started to show unusual behavior,  like hyperactivity, swearing and lying and lack of concentration. Doctor who came to check claimed that it just manifestation of stress due to temporary move to new home. But the condition of her got worsen. Abnormal behavior, increase of violence,  acts of superhuman strenth, strange vomiting, levitation made Chris to think her daughter is not suffering from a medical condition but more than that. Chris started to convinced that her daughter is possessed by evil spirit or demon. Later on, she met psychiatric counselor Damien Karras and priest Father Lankester Merrin, who have better understanding of exorcism and ways to save the child from the evil spirit. The story revolves around the struggle to combat the evil demon and how the child is saved. (IMDb, 2017).
Actors: Linda Blair,  Ellen Burstyn, Jason Miller, Max Von sydow
Director: William Friedkin
Initial release: December 26, 1973

Analysis: The aspects of strange incidents, disgusting and frightening events are included in this movie to arise the sense of horror, suspence and shock to the viewer. The character Regan also transformed from normal looking girl, to pale frightening look with make up artist made the movie more horrific. Other than that, the male voice from a small child highlights the exorcism of demon into her.

Both of this movie shows the possession if evil spirit inside a girl's body and controlling them and giving them pain. Both the movies had used make up artist to give horrific look on the girls face and create shock to viewers.


IMDB, 2017, The Exorcist plot summary, Inc, accessed on 21 April 2015, url:

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