Wednesday 26 April 2017

Task 3: Resume and Cover Letter

What is resume or curriculum vitae (CV)?

A resume is complete written compilation of education, work experience, credentials, and accomplishment that are used to apply for certain job. A resume is typically sent with a cover letter, which provides additional information on skills and experience in letter form. A resume is concise and often written with bulleted summary.

A resume contains:

- skills
-work history
-personal contact

A resume should not longer than one or two pages. A resume should be in chronological order. There are two types of resume: formal and creative resumes.

Formal Resume format:

-white paper
-black ink
-basic font: Arial, New Times Roman, Calibri, Helvetica, Georgia
-font size: 12

(Doyle, A, 2017)

Example of resume layout:

Example of creative resume:

What is a cover letter?

A cover letter is a formal letter attached with resume to highlight relevant skills to seek a job.

A complete cover letter consists of:

-candidate's contact information
-employer contact information
- Salutation (dear sir/madam)

  First paragraph: Position of job that applying for
  Second paragraph: Qualification and skills, experiences
  Final paragraph: Thanking the employer

-Complimentary Close - Respectfully Yours, Sincerely
- Signature

Example of cover letter


Doyle, A, 2017, What is a resume, About,Inc,accessed on 26 April 2017, url:

Doyle A, 2017, Cover Letter Format, About, Inc, accessed on 26 April 2017, url:

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