Thursday 20 April 2017

Key terms, concepts and theories

Museum is non profit making and permanent institution in the service of society. It acquires, conserves, researches, communicates and exhibits all the aged artifacts to the publics and becomes the evidence of existence of an era/ community and history.              ( Corsane, G)  

Key terms and concepts in this fields are as follows:

-Architecture - the art of designing, and installing that is used to house specific museum for display.
-Collection - A set of material or intangible object (works, artefacts, mentefacts, specimen, archieve documents, testimonies) which an individual, or establishment has assembled, classified and preserved in a safe setting.
-Education - the training and development of human beings by implementing relevent methods
-Ethics - Basic values and principles which the of the museum relies eg: ICOM CODE
-Exhibition - The result of the action of displaying something to the public, the object displayed(exhibits) and area of display
-Heritage (patrimonium)  - all the assests received by succession inherited . A monument is a construction to perpetuate the memory of somebody or something
Gallery - fine art museum
-Institution -a convention  established by mutual agreement between people and historically dated. ICOM defines museum as a permanent institution in the service of society and its development.
-Mediation (Interpretation)
-Museogrpahy- museum practice
-Meseology - museum studies
-Museum - institution or the establishment or the place generally designed to select, study and display the material and intangible evidence of man and his environment.
-Object (musealia) - “Musealia (museum objects) are authentic movable objects which, as irrefutable
evidence, show the development of nature and society” (Schreiner 1985). 
-Preservation - to protect a thing or a group of things from different hazards such as destruction, deterioration, separation or even theft
-Research - consists of exploring predefined fields with the purpose of advancing the knowledge of theseand the action it is possible to carryout in these fields
- Society - human group understood more or less coherent whole in which systems of relationships and  exchange are established

(Desvalles, A, 2010)

Corsane, G, , Heritage, Museum and Galleries, ebook, accessed on 20 April 2017, url:,&source=bl&ots=0YGnYMOdpY&sig=SGk6CS-GBjS-Hgh85red0wsDtNM&hl=en&sa=X&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=museum%20gallery%20and%20heritage%20key%20terms%2C&f=false

Desvalles, A, Mairesse, F, 2010, Key Concepts of Museology, Armand Colin, ebook, accessed on 20 April 2017, url:

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