Friday 4 November 2016

Automatism as a technique of surrealism

Automatism is a technique used by surrealist  to create their artwork apart from other techniques. This technique is about accessing materials from subconscious mind in producing a creative artwork.
Its about free association when coming to create an artwork. (Tate, 2016)

"Pure physic automatism the dictation of thoughts in the absence of all control exercise by reason and outside all moral or aesthetic content". (Andre Breton, 1924) (founder of surrealism movement)


     Figure 1: Number 23 (Jackson Pollock, 1948) 

My idea come from subconscious mind when I see my surrounding where trees are cut and left like that. I give a soul to the tree and start to think how a tree will look if it has human quality. 

Technique: Automatism
Material: A2 paper, black pen, black marker

Figure 2: Sketch

The tree has a hand and holding a flower( her child) with a sad look because she dont know until when she is going to survive before she is going to be cut for city development or other production uses.

Figure 3: Materials
Figure 4: Developing on the sketch 

Figure 5: Drawing more random lines 

Figure 6: Drawing lines and shades 
Figure 7: Developing on the artwork
Figure 8: Inserting more random lines with different angles and shapes
Figure 9: Finished artwork [The sacrifice of a tree (Menagha, 2016)]

The tree is trying her hard to protect her child and waiting for the time she will be cut. Nearby there is a tree trunk which shows her family has died. This art shows the sacrifice of the tree toward human because during its life it gives many benefit and also after die. From flower, will be born the fruits and seeds that are beneficial for humans. Also after it dies, it give us many materials, from paper, wooden materials and so on. This also can be related with parents and their sacrifice to their children. Because every parents worry about their death and hoping their children to adapt to the world with growing up and settle in their life before they can leave the world.


Tate, 2016. Automatism, Tate,accessed on 4 November 2016, url:

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