Tuesday 1 November 2016

Surrealism in digital arts

Surrealism, sur means beyond, realism means real.So, surrealism is an art movement that describes something beyond the real or hyper-realism.
 Below is the photo manipulation technique used to create the artwork.
Software such as Adobe Photoshop and Krita are used.

Figure 1.0: Escalator found in Suria KLCC                   Figure 1.1: Climbing up the waterfall          
                                                                                                           (Menagha, 2016)

 The girl in the picture climbing up and touch the water falling from waterfall . She climbing up using an escalator showing the unrealism and something that happen in our dream so far.
Figure 2.0: My leg (Menagha, 2016)                   Figure 2.1: great artist (god) (Menagha, 2016)

The picture shows a person sitting on a world painting everything with a brush. This is unrealistic since there is a giant human sitting on an earth is impossible. He also creates the world with painting. 

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