Friday 4 November 2016

Surrealism artwork (task)

I came up with something that born from my mind. I did not follow any realism because surrealism is all about anything apart from real life.

Technique used: decalcomania, transfer texture through print-making, collage
Materials: stem, tree bark, stone, leaf, tissue, poster colour, plastic, A2 paper

Figure 1: Sketch 

Figure 2: Materials: found object
Figure 3: Poster colour
Figure 4: Putting paint on a plastic randomly
Figure 5: Pressing the plastic on the paper
Figure 6: The effect

Figure 7: painting on a leaf 
 Figure 8: Getting texture from a leaf

Figure 9: Getting stone texture
Figure 10: The effect
Figure 11: Wood texture
Figure 12: Stem texture
Figure 13: Tree bark texture 
Figure 14: Progress 

Figure 15: Tissue texture
Figure 16: Painting sky using tissue texture
Figure 17: Using thumb to create effect 

Figure 18: Finished work (Riding on a sea creature)

I used different textures and collected everything to produce this. I used blue and purple to give a harmony feeling. Red and orange of body of the sea creature is contrasted with blue to make it stand out from surrounding. The sea creature has a snake like body, tail of lion, chicken head, and swimming in ocean. Two people are drawn using hand, to show they are sitting on the sea creature and riding on it. In reality, no one can ride on a sea creature like that, because such thing dont exist. So, surrealism is totally all about dream-state like, fantasy and imagination. Imagination unlocks the creativity of a person.

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