Thursday 10 November 2016


Conceptual art

Conceptual art is art that emphasize  on concept and  idea behind  the artwork compared  to an abstract artwork. It started  in 1960s. Conceptual art uses anything to deliver the idea from performance, photography to written description.The idea started from the porcelain urinal artist, Marchel Duchamp, that turn the urinal porcelain into an art, that it does not have to have artistic skill.

" the articulation of an artistic idea suffices as a work of art - implied that concerns such as aesthetics, expression, skill and marketability were all irrelevant standards by which art was usually judged" - (The Art Story, 2016)

Figure 1: A wall divided vertically into fifteen equal parts (Sol LeWitt, 1970)

Concept and Idea: Instead of drawing the art on wall, Sol described how to do it with instructions with diagrams and text.

"What the work of art looks like isn't too important. It has to look like something if it has physical form. No matter what form it may finally have it must begin with an idea" - (Sol Lewitt, 1967)

Figure 2: A line made by walking (Richard Long, 1967)

Concept and Idea: Long walked forward and backwards on a field until a line can be seen. He photographed the work to show the concern on impermanence, motion and relativity.

Some of the artist involved are John Baldessari, Joseph Beuys, Victor Burgin, John Latham, Gilbert & George, Piero Manzoni, Jackson Pollock, Andy Warhol.

Figure 3: The Pencil story (John Baldessari, 1972)

Idea according to me: The pencil tip is dull maybe describes something that looks dull or talents that is dull, After sharpen, the pencil becomes attractive and liked by others. This concept of polishing or making something better or someone better shown through this pencil art idea.

Image result for octopus clipart
                                       Idea                      Idea                      Idea               Idea

Concept is the head of octopus and his legs are  ideas. Concept is one, but idea can deliver through many means. Concept is the main information that going to be delivered, but ideas are through what medium, subjects, stories it can be delivered.

In conceptualism:

- Abandoned of beauty, rarity, skill as measure of art
- dematerialisation of art
- minimalism

Figure 4: One and three chairs (Joseph Kosuth, 1965)

Concept is about chair. Idea is delivered through photography, real chair and dictionary definition of the chair.

Figure 5: I like America and America likes me (Joseph Beuys, 1974)

Figure 6: Here is an example (Joseph Kosuth, 1987)

Concept is to display a certain message in text form. Idea is through installation with neon light.

Figure 7: Full fathom Five (Jackson Pollock, 1949) (Abstract Expressionism)

Concept of this art is about dripping method. Idea is maybe to do with harmonious colour.

Figure 8: Andy Warhol's banana ( Andy Warhol, 1851)

Concept is to make an album cover for 'Sticky Finger' by rolling stones. The banana not actually shows the fruit but more to sexual expression based on its shape.

 Figure 9: $ (Andy Warhol, 1982) (Pop Art)

Concept is about money symbol, $ which expressed into idea of pop art style, with many colours and repeated 9 times.

Based on this research, I gain a lot about conceptual art, and idea, as well as know about some artists and their artworks.


Tate, 2016, Conceptual art,, accessed on 10 November 2016, url:

Wolf, J, 2016, Conceptual art,, accessed on 10 November 2016, url:

Nicholas Pioch, 2012, Pollock Jackson, Webmuseum Paris, accessed on 10 November 2016, url:

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