Wednesday 30 November 2016

Final task: Formatting for text and image

Storyboarding and Narration

In storyboarding, storyboards or visual illustrations are displayed in a sequence for the purpose of previsualization before producing a video, interactive media, comic, game and animation. This idea is developed by Walt Disney Studio during early 1930s to create scenes on sheets of paper and pinning on a bulletin board for the story sequence before animating it.  (Instructional design, 2015)

One advantage of storyboarding is it allows the designer to experiment and do changes whenever needed before production of real one. It also to show the clients with 'demo' so that they will be interested like a trailer or teaser. Disadvantages are the sketching on a paper might be change when transferred into the media so designer nowadays prefer rapid prototyping than storyboarding.
(Instructional design, 2015).

Narrative is a report of events presented to the readers or listeners in words in a sequence. Narrative will form a story. With narration, the narrator able to deliver a story and pass a message to the viewer. Different medias are used to express the stories nowadays and also to share the knowledge as well as to communicate visually with the people. Narratives are used to attract readership and entertain the readers.  (, 2016).

There are 6 major narrator type:
- first person view , Example: 'I'
-second person view, ' You'
-Limited third person , 'he' or 'she'
-Omniscient author, 'multiple characters'
-Unrelieable narrator, 'assumptions'
-Observer narrator, 'the witness'                                        (Now Novel, 2016)

Diorama refers to a 3 dimensional model of landscape, event, space, scene or room for exhibition purpose. It is also called prop set where a story or scene takes place in a small place/stage for the viewer. Sometimes stop motion animation can be taken at the small diorama.     (, 2016)

Figure 1: Example of diorama set/prop set (, 2016)

Culatta, R, 2015, Storyboarding, Instructional, accessed on 30 November 2016, url:

Literarydevices, 20016, Narrative Definition,, accessed on 30 November 2016, url:

NowNovel, 2016, Types of narration infographic-6 narrative POVS,, accessed on 30 November 2016, url:

Wikihow, 2016, How to make a diorama,, accessed on 30 November 2016, url:

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