Saturday 11 February 2017

Task 2: Character design, Facial expressions and Environment Design

Research on Two Local superhero character design (Malaysia)

a) Boboiboy
b)Upin dan Ipin
c)Totallyspies( International)

About BoboiBoy...

Figure 1: BoboiBOy (, 2017)

Boboiboy is living with his grandfather who has chocolate stall. One day, Boboiboy found out that Adu Du, an alien is trying to steal his grandfather's cocoa bean and stopped him from stealing. The cocoa bean is to use as fuel and powerful energy for the technology used by alien. Adu Du's emporer sent super gadget to aid Adu du but fortunately found out by BoboiBoy and his friends which turned them into superheroes. And the stories orient on stealing the cocoa beans and supergadgets and use of superpowers by BoboiBoy team.
(, 2017)


 Figure 2:BoboiBoy Petir, Angin and Tanah (, 2017)

 Boboiboy has power to control 3 elements, lightning, air and earth. He can split into 3 elements to use his powers for limited time. The design style is more to modern 3d design. The use of colour is on red, orange and yellow to give its strong effect. Round face and simple details.

About UpindanIpin...

Figure 3:  Upin dan Ipin (

Upin and Ipin is an animation series about a twins boys name Upin and Ipin, They are simple, village boys, with humorous characters. They live with grandmother and a sister. Their life orientated on daily school and life events as a village boy and often deliever message to the viewer especially to the children in a simpler way. The production is by Les' Copaque Productin Sdn. Bhd.


Character:    Upin  : elder brother. outspoken and mastermind. very protective of Ipin. He has twirl of
                                 hair on his head. His yellow shirt has a letter 'U' denoting his name. He often
                                 wear a shorts and slippers indicating normal village boy. short and has smiling
                                 face. Round face. The style is modern 3d style.

                     Ipin: younger brother. cheerful. quieter and smarter. Obsessed with fried chicken and
                              says 'betul, betul, betul' often to state agreement. His blue shirt has a letter 'i'
                              showing his name. He has no hair on his head. Round head and same height with
                             Upin. The style is modern 3d style

 About Totally Spies..

Sam, Alex, and Clover have superpowers to stop the evil and keep the public safe from various villains. These young spies love to have fun and adventure.

Character Design:
Anime inspired, realism
has long legs, with anime-kind faces, thin outline, different hairstyles, small nose, and colourful big eyes, and proportionate body parts.


Animonsta,2017, story,,accessed on 11 February 2017,url:!about

Animonsta,2017, character,,accessed on 11 February 2017url:!character

Pop, 2017, About Totally spies,,accessed on 13 February 2017,url:

Upin&Ipin, 2014, synopsis,, accessed on 11 February 2017, url:

Upin&Ipin, 2014, character,, accessed on 11 February 2017, url:

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