Thursday 27 October 2016

2.0 Welding and Philosopher idea

  Cast iron has a carbon content of 2% - 4%, to make it strong. During the casting the molten iron is poured into a mold and allowed to cool slowly. During and after welding, the casting must be allowed to cool slowly to avoid cracking.
  A critical temperature used in most cast iron is about 1450 degrees F and don’t hold the temperature for long period of time.
Welding Techniques with Preheat
Typical preheat temperatures are 500-1200 degrees F and heat the entire casting. Preheat the casting iron slowly and uniformly. Preheating reduces the cooling temperature of the welding area.
Low current is used to weld to reduce the  residual stress. After the welding, the part is allowed to cool slowly. Sometimes the casting is insulated with blanket or buried in dry sand, to allow it cool slowly thus preventing from cracking.
Welding Techniques without Preheat
Raise the casting temperature to 100 degrees F . Never heat the casting so hot until bare hand s are cannot be placed on it.
Make  1” long welds. After welding, peening  is important with this technique. The weld and casting are allowed to cool. Do not accelerate the rate of cooling with water or compressed air.

The Studding Method
This method is used to repair the major breaks in large casting. Drill and tap holes over the surfaces that have been  beveled to receive the repair weld metal. Screw steel studs into the threaded  holes, leaving 3/16” (5 mm) to ¼” (6 mm) of the stud above the surface. Weld the studs in place and cover the entire surface of the break with weld deposit. After a good deposit, the two sides of the crack can be welded together.
The Lincoln Electric Company, 1999, Guidelines for Welding Cast Iron, Lincoln Electric, Accessed on 25 October 2016, url:

The Philosopher
The design of this sculpture has a shape of  human being which was described as philosopher by the lecturer. The idea philosopher born from the environment of college, students and lecturer where lecturer is described as someone important who bring the change in students’ life. According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, (1824), philosopher means a person who studies about knowledge, truth, the nature and meaning of life. He is also someone who seeks wisdom or enlightenment. Based on this definition, philosopher can fit well for both lecturers and students who continuously seeking knowledge and wisdom, henceforth growth and success from whatever knowledge they gained. This also shows the common characteristic or unity between the community in a studying environment.
  According to me, the philosopher is a great idea used in making a sculpture in a studying place. After making the foundation, it is better to coat the entire iron rods with another metal, to make it shiny and smooth.

Meriem Webster, 1824, Philosopher,, Accessed on 25 October 2016, ,url:

Monday 24 October 2016

Wireframe artwork

We were asked to do a wireframe from wire based on things that can be commercialized such as food beverages, clothes, accessories, transportation, packaging, and etc. Next, use paperclay, clay, plaster or newspaper to cover it entirely.

The thing I chose was cone ice cream. Below is the sketch of wireframe on cone ice cream.

Figure 1: Sketch of modular system on cone ice cream

Materials: thin metal wire, hot glue gun, scissors, plier, clay
Technique: Model making technique

Figure 2: Materials  

Figure 3: Using hot glue gun to connect the wires 

Figure 4: Using plier to secure the wire
Figure 5: Done the vertical part
Figure 6: Connecting the horizontal parts of wire
Figure 7: Finished wireframe
Figure 8: Putting the clay
Figure 9: More clays 

Due to heavy clay on thin metal wire, whole artwork collapsed, and first experimentation is failed. 
So I replaced the thin with a thick metal wire. Instead of using hot glue gun, I used thin wire to secure the thick metal wire. I put the wire alternatively with column and height instead of doing all vertical first and then horizontal.

Figure 10: Doing the horizontal parts 

Figure 11: Alternating attachments of horizontal and vertical
Figure 12: Tieing the wire with a thin wire 

Figure 13: Work in progress
Figure 14: Due to accident, the wire injured my finger
Figure 15: Finished the cone part
Figur 16: Doing the cream part
Figure 17: Securing the wires 
Figure 18: More wires 

Figure 19: Finished wireframe

Figure 20: Putting clay
Figure 21: Putting more clay
Figure 22: Attaching the cream and cone parts
Figure 23: Securing the artwork on a box
Figure 24: Ice cream on a box 
Figure 25: Colouring the box with acrylic
Figure 26: Blue, red and brown go well with each other 

Figure 27:  Finished artwork

It took so long to finish the wireframe, to tie them, and then use clay to cover it. But I really glad second experiment worked, and finally done with the artwork..If I had chance, i would like to know how to make stand from wire to make it stand upright.


  Last friday, (21/10/16) Mr Kamarul and Mr Derreck hold a workshop, and we all have to come up with an artwork from folding the papers and connecting each folds symmetrically. The documentation is as follow:

Materials: scissors, bolt and nut, fishing line, canvas like paper, steapler
Method: cutting and folding paper and steapler it symmetrically

Figure 1: Cutting the paper 

Figure 2: Folding and connecting each folds 

Figure 3: Finished artwork 

Figure 4: Friends helping to hang the artwork 

Figure 5: connecting fishing line, bolt and nut with paper 

 Figure 6: Everyone working on their artwork

 The workshop was fun since seniors are joined in this workshop and worked together. I learn that the artwork is part of cubism, and everyone was able to deliver their creative side through this workshop.

Thursday 20 October 2016

Contemporary design

Contemporary design

  Contemporary Design is design which started on 2000 to present which is differ from modern art which was existed on mid 1900. Contemporary means living or occurring in the present. Contemporary style is ever changing according to current world due in part to the availability of new materials and pieces (Britney Smart, 2016). Contemporary design can be seen in many categories like in interior design, packaging, fashion, book, architecture, furniture, graphic and etc.

  Design changes according to taste and the needs of the people living there. It also can be combined with other style of art, like modern, traditional, rustic and eclectic.

  Elements of contemporary design:

  • Neutral, masculine color palette (more to grey, white, black, blue, brown)
  • Sleek, casual, clean lines, simplicity 
  •  Colorful and/or oversized art, geometric pattern
  • Clever functional storage solutions
  • Color blocking (example at the end of wood)
  • calm
                                                                                 (Britney Smart,2016)

 Figure 1: Colour palatte (Britney Smart,2016)

                                                     Figure 2: Geometric pattern (Britney Smart,2016)

 Figure 3: Colour blocking (Britney Smart,2016)

 Figure 4: Classic pattern and simplicity (Britney Smart,2016)

Contemporary design also emphasizes on producing of reusable, durable and useful items. It is also less indulgent, minimalist and less flashy. (Antonelli, 1997)


Antonelli, P, 1997, Contemporary Design from the Netherlands, MOMA, accessed on 19 October 2016, url:

NGV, 2016, Contemporary art and design, NGV,accessed on 19 October 2016, url:

Smart, B, 2016, what is contemporary design, Homedit, accessed on 19 October 2016, url: