Saturday 8 October 2016


What is the purpose of imagery??

  Imagery is used to deliver a message with simplest form, than using a long essay. With image, the person who doesn't know a certain language, can get the meaning since image is easy to be understood and interpreted. It is also to evoke feelings, emotions and also imagination of the viewer. In imagery, sometimes words are combined with picture to give the direction for the viewer since an image can have many different interpretations.

  Aronson (2013), said that juxtaposition is one of many different rhetorical moves and creative devices used as a persuasive strategy to articulate meaning. In image juxtapose, a contrasting concept or opposite idea is added to the original concept that gives a surprising relationship. One of the example is Hipster in stone, which has classical statue and casual apparel of hipster which have 2 different styles.

                  Figure 1.0: Hipster in Stone VI - The Barberini Faun (Leo Caillard, 2012)

Figure 1.1 : Half-drag (Bobbe, 2015)

Female face is juxtaposed with male face giving a confusion of gender.

Figure 1.2: Children playing near Beirut, Lebanon (Steve McCurry,1982)

Children playing with a tank, is juxtaposed with 2 things. Normally children play in a playground but in this case with a tank which associated with war and soldiers.

  Other than that, imagery is also used in typography. Knight (2012), said that visual elements of typography speak louder than words. Image is used together with letters to give same or different meaning. In this context, visual language is stronger than verbal language. 

Figure 1.3: ad campaign to raise awareness of deforestation (Greenpeace)

The font, style, colour represents the packaging of the chocolate brand Kit Kat at the first glimpse. But in this picture, the word is changed to ‘Killer’. That means Greenpeace wants to tell something about nestle company, and Kit Kat production are related to killing something.

Figure 1.4: poster for the US band Liars (Munn,J, 2010)

In this poster, some of the parts of letters are removed. The letters are unrealistic, which does not have the real shape, which can describe the word liars.

  As a conclusion, imaginary is used in art to deliver a message in a simplified form, and clearly to the viewers.



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