Thursday 13 October 2016

Task 3: Poem: The greatest Artist or Scientist?

Research on 12 books in the library as follow:

1.      Art & Design, 1993, Fluxus Today and Yesterday,Vol 8, Academy group Ltd, Singapore.
This book contains articles about art and design, mainly about artists and their artworks. It also has many photos and illustrations from past and contemporary as well as interview sessions and biography of artists.

Figure 1: Fluxus Today and Yesterday

2.      Dinkelacker, C, et al., 1993, Art Topics for Today, McGraw Hill, USA.
This book contains 4 chapters and the topics are about spirit and history of Africa, Ancient Egypt, North American Indian art, and history of women artist. It also has many photos about them.
3.      Hamilton, G, 1967, Painting and Sculpture in Europe 1880 to 1940, Penguin Books, Australia.
This book describes the artists involved in painting and sculpture in Europe from 1880 to 1940. It also contains the art movement like symbolist art, expressionism, cubism, Dadaism, surrealism and etc.

4.      Hyland, A, Bell, R, 2003, Hand to Eye Contemporary Illustration, Laurence King Publishing, United Kingdom.
The whole book consists of a lot of colourful illustrations and paintings of many artist.

                          Figure 2: Hand to Eye Contemporary Illustration (Hyland, A, Bell, R, 2003)

5.      Kleiner, F, S, 2009, Gardner’s art through the ages, 13th edition, Thomson Wadsworth, USA.
This book contains art history, art before history, the ancient arts, Egypt, ancient Greece, South and Southeast Asia before 1200, China and culture from all over the world. It has a lot of photos and pictures of famous paintings.

                             Figure 3: Gardner’s art through the ages  (Kleiner, F, S, 2009)

6.      Lidwell, W, Holden, K, Butler, J 2003, Universal Principle of Design, Pockport Publisher Inc, America.
  This book consists of design theories for graphic designer and architecture, reference and resources for designers as well as ways to enhance usability and to make better design decisions. Ways to influence perception on variety of designs is also written in this book too (Lidwell, 2003).

7.      Moranz, J 2008, Drawing & Illustration, Dover Publication Inc, New York.
  The author writes about how to draw 2-dimensional as well as 3-dimensional figures through illustration. Most of the pages illustrated with pencil with little writing.  From head to toe, perspective, composition, animals are illustrated in this book, and becomes ultimate guide for illustrators to do fundamental drawings (Moranz, 2008).

8.      Nouvel, J, 1997, Architecture & Design 1976-1995, Skira Editore, Italy.
This book consist information about Jean Nouvel who is an architect showcasing his artworks in architecture and designing buildings, office, gym and all his award winning constructions with photographs.
                        Figure 4: Architecture & Design 1976-1995 (Nouvel, J, 1997)

9.      Paul, C, 2003, Digital Art, Thames & Hudson Ltd, London.
This book describes a short history of technology and art, digital technology as a tool and medium to be used in digital imaging, photographs and print. It also has information about form of digital art, installation, film, video, animation, software art, virtual reality, gaming which were illustrated with pictures.
Figure 5: Digital Art (  Paul, C, 2003)

10.  Tahmasebi, S 2011, Figure Poses for Fashion Illustrators, Page One Publishing Pte Ltd, Singapore.
  This book displays a lots of drawings and illustration on fashion, basic garment blocks, wide range of poses, and variety of unique design for fashion designers. Fashion designers able to draw a dynamic fashion figure after reading this book. They also get to learn about rendering technique which emphasizes the technique on colouring and shading (Tahmasebi, 2011)
11.  White, W 2011, The Element of Graphic Design, second edition, Allworth Press, New York.
  This books as the title says, describes about the different elements of graphic design which need to address before create a design. It consist informations on space, unity, architecture, type, typographic techniques, as well as 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional space with many illustrations and pictures (White, 2011).
12.  William, D, 1990, Look Again, Mcgraw-Hill book company, Sydney.
This book describes about appreciation of art by looking at colour, quality of line, and investigating space. It also has many portraits and a lot of pictures.

                                                      Figure 6: Look Again (William, D, 1990)

Poem that I made:

The Greatest Artist or Scientist?

In this life of art,
where element of dot in gametes,
come together to create a line,
that turn into round shape to form an embryo, 
giving space for many internal organs and tissue, 
skin with variety of colours, tone and textures, 
balancing the eyes and limbs proportionally,
a center of heart to love,
movement of body with rhythm of steps,
at last having a sense of harmony in action,
and unity between brain, body and feelings,
Out of doubt, I looked up and asked the creator,
are you a scientist or an artist?    
From this task, I learned how to construct a poem through different research from book and information.  

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