Wednesday 5 October 2016

Cubism sculpture

Lecturer asked us to do a sculpture or 3d object that represents cubism about one of our friends. I 

chose Umar to represent my 3d object. 

 Characteristic of Umar
-likes football
-likes nigerian music
-likes green
-likes to laugh
-has dark tone colour

The below is my process:

Materials: thin metal wire, styrofoam plate.


Figure 1.0: Sketch

Figure 1.1: fixing plates into a round shape

Figure 1.2: Trying to use collage to give face colour 

                                                        Figure 1.3: Almost finished artwork

I used green eyes, a black hat to represent songkok. I let the space for nose. The entire artwork is somehow round represents football.  

Figure1.4: football eye

I added a football eye to represent he is keen in football.

 Figure 1:5: Moon as Islam symbol

I added a crescent to show he is Islamic.

Another sculpture I did was from thin metal wire.


 Figure 1.6: Sketch
Figure 1.7: Materials
Figure 1.8: Finished artwork

The hand above represents the hand of god, and I am nothing but a puppet of god. The wire is strangled around my neck shows emotional distress. The hands of the sculpture shows 'SoWhat'? and I used plastic to show a skirt, that I am a female.

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