Thursday 10 November 2016


What is Post-Modernism?

Post modernism term used in 1970, and it approach to making of many different art and technique. Art movements existed after 1960 are all included in postmodernism. It does not enclose within one style or definition but more than many styles, media, and has no boundaries. Post modernism began with pop art followed by conceptual art, neo-expressionism, feminist art, and so on. It opposes the modernism art movement. The Post modernism focuses on current trend or whatever happening at the moment. It also different from modernism that gives important on traditional method. It allows mass production of certain artwork.

Characterized by:
- skepticism (doubting of knowledge)
- subjectivism
- relativism

Figure 1: Nanny, Small bears and bogeyman (Paula Rego, 1982) (Neo-expressionism)

Figure 2: Black Sea 1977 (Philip Guston, 1977)

The relationship between Postmodernism and conceptual art are both embraces the minimalism, and anything is an art. Both also delivers meaning through concept and ideas. Both can be expressed through many media, not fixed with painting only but, through installation, performances, photography, film and so on. 

Figure 3: Situationist Apartment May 68' (Dexter Dalwood, 2001)

In Postmodernism, there is no single meaning for the artwork that described the artist, but rather the viewer gives the meaning thus everyone will have different perspective of getting the meaning.

Example of artist in Postmodernism are Banksy, Umberto Boccioni, Chris Burden, Barbara Kruger, Roy Linchtenstein, Marchel Duchamp, Rene Magritte, Jackson Pollock, Andy Warhol, Robert Williams.

Figure 4: Flower bomber graffiti (Banksy)
The bomber is throwing bouquet of flowers instead of bomb. This is the artist wants us to spread peace and love more than hatred.

Figure 5: Kruger Thinking of you (Barbara Kruger, 1999)
The finger is pierced with a pin but the text says thinking of you. It means the pain of separation and thinking about that person.

Figure 6: Three Flags (Jasper Johns, 1958)
3 flags of different sizes are overlapped on each other with shadows.

Figure 7: Skulldy Dumpty (Robert Williams, 2007)
The art shows there are many egg shells on ground died from falling, and the humpty is falling onto them. He is shocked to see that. But, It was too late since he was already jumped off the wall.

From this research, I learned a lot about Postmodernism and able to view artist works.


Tate, 2016, Neo-expressionism,, accessed on 10 November 2016, url:

Tate, 2016, Postmodernism,, accessed on 10 November 2016, url:

J, Sarah, 2016, Postmodern art,, accessed on 10 November 2016, url:

Dulgnan, B, 2016, Postmodernism, Encyclopedia Brittanica, accessed on 10 November 2016, url:

On Postmodernism 2014, Overview of Postmodern Art,, accessed on 10 November 2016, url:

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